
This year, as in past years, we are holding the International Livestock Congress during the Calgary Stampede timeframe; Wednesday July 09, 2014. This will provide you with the opportunity to take advantage of the world renowned event at the same time. The Congress has been successful in attracting key leaders from around the world and is recognized as the leading edge event for the beef industry in Canada. There are key principles that the Congress is built on: new knowledge, education, and leadership; all geared to building the knowledge of our Canadian beef producer.
Each year over 300 participants attend the yearly congress. Our goal is to continue to have those people who can influence change in the industry attend the conference. We estimate that the top leaders and influencers (approximately the top 1-2% of each of the industry categories) will attend this conference again this year from each of the following categories: producers/ranchers, processors, food retail, industry stakeholders, and government.
To find out more, or to custom build your sponsorship package, please click the link below or contact us with any questions.
Sponsorship Program Levels and Information
Platinum Level Sponsors
Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd.
The Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA) provides ideas, information and investment opportunities. As a unifying catalyst we encourage industry collaboration and alignment of priorities.
ALMA's programs encourage innovation and the adoption of best practices, new technologies and state-of-the-art processes. ALMA 's initiatives enable industry to pursue its vision of a competitive, profitable, internationally recognized industry.
Alberta Farmer Express
Alberta Farmer Express is for Ranchers and Farmers - Agricultural news that is all Alberta all the time.
Canadian Cattlemen's Association
The National Voice of Canada's Beef Farms.
Canadian Cattlemen, The Beef Magazine
Published since 1938, with content that is relevant, practical and informative this magazine continues to have its finger on the pulse of the beef industry. Featuring articles on growing forage crops and feed grains that sustain Canada's cows and their calves, as well as marketing chains of feedlots, packers and domestic and international sales. Canadian Cattlemen continues to be a key source of information for Canada's cattle associations and all Canadian beef producers.
Grainews - Cattleman's Corner
The Western Producer
The Western Producer is the leading agricultural publication targeted for Canadian farmers and ranchers and has been a staple in the agricultural industry since 1923. Each week The Producer covers the latest developments in agricultural news, production, technology, markets, finance, livestock and rural lifestyles. Additional supplements inside The Producer provide specialized coverage of the seed industry, canola and pulse industry and farm equipment. The Producer also publishes and distributes show guides for major agricultural trade shows. Producer.com offers a variety of valuable information to the online farmer and rancher.
Gold Level Sponsors
RealAgriculture.com is focused on the issues that are impacting agriculture. Our site is focused on getting you the opinions on the issues so that you not only get the news but the insight into what the news means to your business. Whether you are a farmer, employed in industry, or research we have content that is applicable to you and your business.
Silver Level Sponsors
Alberta Beef Magazine & Beef Illustrated
Alberta Beef Magazine circulation 8,000, Beef Illustrated
12,000 circulation. We cover Canada's largest beef producing region like no other media can. With nearly 75% of all cattle in
Canada located in AB. & SK. your advertising message carried in our publications will achieve maximum returns on your investment. Invest with us and maximize your results. Call 1-800-387-2333 (BEEF) today for more information.
Alberta Beef Producers
The Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is a producer directed and funded organization working to strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the beef industry for the benefit of its members. Grassroots direction and feedback is provided through producer meetings held throughout the province every fall. The ABP is overseen by a delegate body elected at these meetings. The ABP operates under provincial legislation which outlines the basic structure, objectives and powers of the organization and provides for a check-off on all cattle marketed in order to finance lobbying, marketing and public relations activities.
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions is a research agency funded by the Government of Alberta. We invest in science and innovation to grow prosperity in Alberta's agriculture, food and forest sectors. We routinely work with R&D partners on research and innovation projects in the areas of sustainable production, bioindustrial innovation, food innovation, ecosystem services and prion diseases.
Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Technology Futures will strive to help the cattle and beef industry innovate and bring new products to market, for the benefit of Albertans. Functioning within the Alberta Innovates system, Technology Futures offers programs and services that support research and innovation in agriculture, food, forestry, energy, environment and health.
Genome Alberta
Genome Alberta is a publicly funded not-for-profit corporation that initiates, funds, and manages genomics research and partnerships. Our ability to leverage funds across a variety of sectors, organizations, and levels of government gives is a unique position in Alberta research community. Genome Alberta strives to be the leading source of information and administration related to genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and bioethics research in Alberta.
Bronze Level Sponsors
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) is a provincial Crown corporation that works with Alberta's agriculture producers and commercial enterprises to ensure they have the tools they require to run a successful business. With more than 50 offices located across the province, AFSC delivers income stabilization programs, provides insurance products and offers a range of lending products and services.
Livestock Gentec
Livestock Gentec is a leading international genomics facility created through the combined support of AI-Bio and ALMA. Our aim is to partner with industry to improve the production and profitability of the livestock sector through the application of transformative genomic technologies. Current projects include carcass quality, feed efficiency, and health.
RBC Royal Bank
RBC Royal Bank is Canada's leading non-government financial services provider to agricultural and agribusiness clients. RBC Agriculture and Agribusiness has been a focus of RBC Royal Bank since 1967, and today has over 200 specially trained Farm Finance Professionals, and 50 centres of expertise, working with agriculture and agribusiness clients across the country. In addition, a team of specialized Risk Managers concentrates solely on specific commodity groups. RBC Agriculture and Agribusiness's support for agriculture extends beyond financial advice, products, and services into community leadership through donations and sponsorships to national agriculture organizations.
CANADIAN SIMMENTALS are the breed of choice for ranchers wanting to add maternal as well as carcass qualities in one cross. Join the many cattlemen using Simmental genetics to meet the demands of today's competitive beef industry! Simmental-Can you afford not to?
Supporter Level Sponsors
Agri Digest
The pan-Canadian journal of issues and events in agriculture, an online-only publication produced the first of each month. No subscription fee.
Calgary Stampede
The Calgary Stampede contributes to the quality of life in Calgary and southern Alberta through its world-renowned 10-day Stampede, year-round facilities, western events and several youth and agriculture programs. Exemplifying the theme "We're Greatest Together"; the volunteer-supported, not-for-profit community organization preserves and promotes western heritage and values. All revenue is reinvested into Calgary Stampede programs and facilities.
City Palate
City Palate is a publication celebrating Calgary's food culture, written for people who are passionately interested in good food and drink.
Farm Credit Canada
FCC is Canada's leading agricultural lender. We provide financing, insurance, software, learning programs and business services to Canadian producers and agribusiness and agri-food operators. We serve the industry through all cycles and believe in being socially and environmentally responsible. Our employees are committed to the success of our customers and are passionate about agriculture.
MacDon Industries Ltd.
MacDon Industries Ltd. is a family owned and Canadian based manufacturer of harvesting equipment specializing in the production of pull-type and self-propelled windrowers and pick-up headers for combines for world markets. Our disc, auger and draper products are commonly used to harvest a wide variety of cereal grains, oilseeds, grass seeds, rice, soybeans, hay, forage and specialty crops such as peas, lupins and lentils.
Northlands is committed to providing the best in entertainment experiences and business opportunities. This is achieved by being a producer, partner, facilitator and host, while positioning Edmonton and the surrounding region for greatness. For 40 years, Northlands has hosted Farmfair International, one of Canada's top agricultural shows, where thousands of guests come to the Edmonton EXPO Centre to show and sell top quality livestock. In 2012, Farmfair International proudly welcomed international producers and buyers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Australia and Brazil, in addition to local ranchers.
TD Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Agriculture Services recognizes that farming is more than a way of life, it's a business. Our Agriculture Specialists understand farming. Our experience helps us appreciate the factors that affect the industry in Canada. We can help you expand your operation, improve your cash flow and finance equipment, quota, or livestock.
Our Specialists are committed to building a long-term relationship with you, your business, and the next generation of proud Canadian farmers.
Together, we can meet today's challenges and anticipate tomorrow's opportunities.
Coffee Break Sponsors
Canada Beef Inc.
Canada Beef is the cattle producer-funded and run organization responsible for domestic and international beef and veal market development. It has offices in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. Canada Beef works to foster loyalty to the Canadian beef brand and build strong relationships with trade customers and partners. These efforts increase demand for Canadian beef and the value producers receive for their cattle.
John Deere