Take advantage of the early bird discounted registration fees: register before May 23, 2014 and your registration fee will be $350.00 CDN plus GST per registrant for full registration (members of the industry who work in agribusiness, industry associations, retail/food service, packers, processors, government [GST exempt] and financial institutions, etc.) If you are a primary producer, or a student or a researcher, you can register at a price of $190.50 CDN plus GST no matter when you register. Government employees register early at $350.00.
If you register after May 23, 2014, the full registration fee will be $370.00 CDN plus GST per registrant; government employee registration fee will be $370.00.
To Register
By Post:
c/o Iris Meck Communications
Suite 510, 5920 1 A Street SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2H 0G3
By Fax:
Registration fees listed above will include one full day of congress sessions, one set of proceedings, morning coffee break, lunch, afternoon coffee break, and the evening reception.
Online Registration: ILC Delegate Registration - Online
Download Registration Forms:
Print and Fill-in Manually to Send by Mail or Fax (.pdf)
Print and Fill-in Digitally to Send by Email (.docx)
General Terms and Conditions
Only fully completed registration forms will be accepted. Registration will not be confirmed until we have received your payment in full.
Payment must be made in Canadian funds only.
Payments must be made within three working days after submission of the registration and proof of payment must be sent with the same deadline. The ILC committee reserves the right to refuse and cancel your registration. Payment can be made by Canadian funds cash, personal or corporate cheque and Credit card - VISA and MasterCard only.
If the maximum delegate capacity is reached, the ILC committee reserves the right to refuse any registration.
Academic and Student Delegates:
You must provide verification of academic of student status to qualify for the Academic or Student rate.
Cancellation Policy:
No refunds will be issued. However substitutions can be made.
ILC 2014 will allow substitutions of delegates with written notification to the Conference Coordinator. Substitution notifications must be received by July 1, 2014. In the event that the ILC conference cannot be held or will have to be changed due to events beyond the control of the IAS (force majeure) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent of gross negligence of the conference organizers, the conference organizers cannot be held liable by delegates or participants of the conference for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, financial losses, etc.
Group Discounts:
There will be no group discount allowances.
GST Refunds for Non-Residents:
International delegates are eligible for a refund of the Goods & Services Tax (GST). Contact Canada Customs & Revenue Agency GST Office (1-800-668-4748) in Canada OR (1-902-432-5608) outside Canada) for a GST rebate application. The ILC conference GST Registration # is: 89386 5915.
Funds/Payment Options
Pay by credit card:
Complete the form and send the signed copy by mail or fax with your credit card (VISA or MasterCard) information including credit card expiry date and can verification code.
Pay by cheque:
Complete the form and not the registration amount is payable in Canadian Funds only. Please make cheque/money order payable to: Iris Meck Communications Inc. with reference to ILC 2014 at the bottom of the cheque or money order. Mail your cheque payment with your registration form. If your cheque is paying for several registrants, complete one form for each registrant and you may combine the fees for payment with one cheque.
We suggest you make a copy of this complete form for your records.
Registration will only be confirmed once payment has been received.